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Download JKP SI Syllabus 2025 in PDF with Detailed Topic wise Explaination

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Detailed and Topic Wise Explained Syllabus for JKP SI Exam, 2025 

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has recently released the detailed syllabus for the Sub-Inspector (SI) examination in the J&K Police Department. This announcement, dated December 26, 2024, provides a comprehensive guide for aspirants preparing for this prestigious role. The syllabus outlines the subjects, marking scheme, and essential topics, offering clarity and focus for candidates aiming to excel in the exam.

The JKP SI Syllabus serves as a roadmap for candidates, ensuring they can plan their preparation effectively. With a mix of topics ranging from General Intelligence to Computer Proficiency, the syllabus caters to both the analytical and practical skills required for the role. Understanding the syllabus thoroughly is crucial for success, as it helps aspirants prioritize topics based on their strengths and weaknesses.

For those aspiring to join the J&K Police Department as Sub-Inspectors, this syllabus is not just a guideline but a strategic tool. By breaking down the subjects and allocating time wisely, candidates can enhance their chances of scoring high. This article delves into the detailed aspects of the JKP SI Syllabus, providing insights and preparation tips to help aspirants achieve their goals.

Exam Overview

The written examination for the Sub-Inspector post in the J&K Police Department is a crucial step in the selection process. It consists of 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions, each carrying 2 marks. The exam has a total duration of 120 minutes, and a penalty of 0.5 marks is applied for every incorrect answer. JKP SI written test assesses the candidate’s aptitude, general awareness, reasoning ability, and technical skills. The exam is designed to evaluate the essential qualifications required for the role of a Sub-Inspector in the Home Department.

JKP SI Syllabus: Key Sections and Weightage

The JKP SI syllabus comprises six major sections, each focusing on specific skill sets. Below is a detailed breakdown:

SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksLevel of Difficulty
General Intelligence2040Graduation Level
General Awareness2040Graduation Level
Quantitative Aptitude153010th Standard Level
English Comprehension1530Graduation Level
Mathematical Abilities153010th Standard Level
Computer Proficiency153010th Standard Level

Topic-Wise Detailed Breakdown of JKP-SI-Syllabus

(I) General Intelligence and Reasoning Section

The General Intelligence & Reasoning section of the JKP SI syllabus evaluates an aspirant's logical thinking, problem-solving ability, and analytical skills. Here is a detailed breakdown of this section.The syllabus includes a wide array of topics that assess various reasoning abilities. Below is a categorized breakdown:

This section carried 40 Marks and 20 Questions with each question carrying 2 marks

AnalogiesSemantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy
ClassificationSemantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification
SeriesSemantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series
Reasoning & LogicCoding-Decoding, Statement Conclusion, Syllogistic Reasoning, Critical Thinking
Mathematical ReasoningArithmetic Reasoning, Numerical Operations, Symbolic Operations
Visual & Spatial SkillsSpace Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Embedded Figures
Pattern RecognitionPunched Hole/Pattern Folding & Unfolding, Address Matching, Date & City Matching
MiscellaneousWord Building, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Small & Capital Letters/Numbers

(II) General Awareness (20 Questions, 40 Marks)

This section evaluates the candidate's knowledge of the environment, society, and current events, with special emphasis on Jammu & Kashmir. The topics are broadly categorized as follows:

TopicsDescriptionPreparation Tips
History, Culture, and GeographyIncludes ancient, medieval, and modern Indian history; cultural heritage; and physical, social, and economic geography of India, especially J&K.Focus on NCERT books for history and geography. For J&K-specific topics, refer to state board books and credible online resources.
Indian Polity and EconomyCovers the Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, and economic policies, with special reference to J&K.Read "Indian Polity" by M. Laxmikanth and follow updates on J&K’s governance and economy.
Sports and Scientific ResearchQuestions on significant sports events, players, and achievements, as well as recent scientific advancements.Stay updated with sports news and developments in science and technology from newspapers like The Hindu or Indian Express.
Current Affairs and People in NewsIncludes national and international events, awards, appointments, and notable personalities, with a focus on J&K.Regularly read newspapers, follow government publications, and practice quizzes on current affairs.

Preparation Strategy:

  1. Dedicate 1-2 hours daily to reading newspapers and current affairs.
  2. Use apps like GKToday or Jagran Josh for quick revisions.
  3. Make concise notes for topics related to J&K to revise frequently.

(III) Quantitative Aptitude (15 Questions, 30 Marks)

This section tests the candidate's numerical ability and problem-solving skills. The topics are:

TopicsDescriptionPreparation Tips
Number SystemsBasic operations, divisibility, LCM, HCF, and decimal-fraction relationships.Practice from RS Aggarwal's Quantitative Aptitude and solve previous year papers.
Ratio & ProportionIncludes direct and inverse proportions, and their applications in real-life problems.Solve practice problems daily and understand shortcuts for ratio-based calculations.
Percentages and AveragesQuestions on profit-loss, discounts, and weighted averages.Master percentage-to-decimal conversions and practice questions from mock tests.
Time and WorkProblems on efficiency, pipes, and cisterns.Use basic formulas like Work = Time × Rate and practice multiple variations of problems.
Geometry and MensurationCovers area, perimeter, and volume of basic shapes like triangles, circles, cylinders, and spheres.Focus on key formulas and solve practical geometry problems.
Mixture and AlligationProblems involving mixing substances of different quantities and costs.Understand the rule of alligation and solve examples involving milk-water mixtures or profit-based problems.
Partnership BusinessQuestions on profit-sharing among partners based on investment and time.Solve partnership problems from standard aptitude books and understand proportionality concepts.

Preparation Strategy:

  1. Solve at least 20 quantitative problems daily.
  2. Use apps like GradeUp or Unacademy for topic-wise practice.
  3. Attempt mock tests to improve speed and accuracy.

(IV) English Comprehension (15 Questions, 30 Marks)

Detailed Topic-Wise Breakdown

VocabularyQuestions on synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitution, and detecting mis-spelt wordsModerate
GrammarSentence structure, active/passive voice, direct/indirect narration, and error spottingHigh
Sentence ImprovementIdentifying and correcting errors in sentence constructionModerate
Idioms & PhrasesCommonly used idiomatic expressions and their meaningsLow
Comprehension PassageThree or more passages, including one based on a book or story and others on current affairs/editorialsHigh
Cloze PassageFill-in-the-blanks passages testing grammar and vocabularyModerate
Sentence ArrangementShuffling sentence parts and sentences in a passage for logical arrangementModerate

Preparation Tips for English Comprehension

  1. Strengthen Vocabulary

    • Read newspapers, magazines, and books regularly to enhance word power.
    • Use flashcards or apps to memorize synonyms, antonyms, and idioms.
  2. Master Grammar Rules

    • Focus on fundamental grammar topics like tenses, subject-verb agreement, and voice/narration.
    • Solve exercises from standard grammar books like Wren & Martin.
  3. Practice Comprehension Passages

    • Read editorials and opinion pieces to improve reading speed and comprehension.
    • Solve previous year’s comprehension questions to familiarize yourself with the pattern.
  4. Solve Cloze Tests and Sentence Rearrangement

    • Practice fill-in-the-blank exercises to understand context-based grammar usage.
    • Work on logical arrangement exercises to improve coherence skills.
  5. Mock Tests and Timed Practice

    • Regularly take mock tests to build speed and accuracy.
    • Analyze your performance to identify and improve weak areas.

(V)Mathematical Abilities (15 Questions, 30 Marks)

Key Topics and Concepts

The Mathematical Abilities section focuses on basic mathematical concepts and their practical applications. Below is a breakdown of the topics:

TopicsSubtopicsPreparation Tips
AlgebraBasic algebraic identities, elementary surds, graphs of linear equationsRevise school-level algebraic formulas and practice simplifying surds and solving linear equations.
GeometryTriangles, circles, congruence, similarity, chords, tangents, angles subtended by chordsStudy properties of triangles and circles. Practice questions on congruence and similarity.
MensurationArea and volume of triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons, circles, cones, cylinders, spheresMemorize standard formulas for area and volume. Solve practical problems involving real-world applications.
TrigonometryTrigonometric ratios, complementary angles, height and distance (simple problems)Learn trigonometric identities and apply them to solve height and distance problems.
StatisticsMeasures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), standard deviation, probabilityUnderstand basic statistical concepts and practice interpreting data from tables and graphs.

Preparation Tips for Mathematical Abilities

  1. Understand Basic Concepts
    Start with school-level mathematics and ensure clarity on basic formulas and theorems.

  2. Practice Regularly
    Solve at least 10-15 questions daily from each topic. Use previous years' question papers and mock tests.

  3. Memorize Formulas
    Keep a list of important formulas for quick reference. Revise them regularly to ensure retention.

  4. Focus on Weak Areas
    Identify topics where you struggle and allocate extra time to practice and improve.

  5. Use Visual Aids
    For geometry and mensuration, use diagrams to understand and solve problems effectively.

  6. Time Management
    Practice solving problems within a time limit to build speed and accuracy for the exam.

This guide aligns with the Mathematical Abilities section of the syllabus, helping aspirants prepare strategically and effectively for this part of the JKP SI exam. If you'd like to integrate this into the main document or need further details on specific topics, let me know!

(VI) Computer Proficiency Guide (15 Questions, 30 Marks)

Topics and Coverage

Computer BasicsOrganization of a computer, CPU, Input/Output devices, Memory types, Memory organization, Backup devices, PORIs, Windows Explorer, Keyboard shortcutsHigh
SoftwareBasics of the Windows Operating System, MS Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)High
Working with Internet and EmailsWeb browsing, Searching, Downloading, Uploading, Managing email accounts, e-BankingMedium
Networking and Cybersecurity BasicsNetworking devices, Protocols, Cybersecurity threats (e.g., hacking, viruses, worms, Trojans), Preventive measuresMedium

Preparation Tips for the JKP SI Exam

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and allocate time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Focus on Current Affairs Regularly read newspapers and follow credible online sources to stay updated on national and international news, especially topics related to J&K.

  3. Practice Quantitative Aptitude Solve previous years’ papers and mock tests to improve speed and accuracy in solving mathematical problems.

  4. Enhance English Skills Read books, practice grammar exercises, and solve comprehension passages to build a strong foundation in English.

  5. Develop Logical Reasoning Practice puzzles and reasoning questions daily to sharpen analytical skills.

  6. Improve Computer Knowledge Familiarize yourself with basic computer operations, MS Office tools, and cybersecurity concepts.

FAQs on JKP SI Syllabus 2025

Q1: Is the JKP SI syllabus 2025 the same for all candidates? 

Yes, the syllabus is uniform for all candidates applying for the Sub-Inspector position.

Q2: What is the difficulty level of the exam? 

The difficulty level varies by section. General Awareness and English Comprehension are of graduation level, while Quantitative Aptitude and Computer Proficiency are of 10th standard level.

Q3: How can I download the official syllabus? 

You can download the syllabus from the official JKSSB website or refer to the official notification.

Whats Next?

The JKP SI syllabus is comprehensive and requires a strategic approach to preparation. By understanding the syllabus in depth and following a structured study plan, aspirants can enhance their chances of success. Stay consistent, practice regularly, and stay updated with current events to excel in the exam. For more updates and resources on the "JKP SI Syllabus," keep visiting our Website (, where we will share all the important updates regarding the JKP SI Exam 2025

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