Tuesday, 24 December 2024

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2025 : 75 Posts Coming this date.


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Note: This Page was last edited on 24th December, 2024

Looking for Jobs in Revenue Department of J&K ? Here is the Detailed Information About the Naib-Tehsildar Vacancies in J&K Govt. 

Latest Update (As on 24th Dec, 2024): As per the latest update the much awaited JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment can be announced any time now, as General Administration Department (GAD) has received 75 Posts (58 Posts already referred + 15 Fresh Posts). With 2024 already going to end, this means, JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Vacancy in all set to be released in January-2024

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment

If you are from Jammu and Kashmir, then chances are that you might have heard that soon there will be a flood of vacancies in the Government Sector, thanks to the Manifesto Promises of various Political parties. National Conference which is forming the Government in J&K has promised 

  • To provide 1 Lakh One Lakh Jobs to Youth of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • To Fill all the vacancies in Government Departments with in 180 Days.
  • No fees for job applications.
  • Passing the J&K Youth Employment Generation Act, within 3 months of Government Formation. 
We cannot comment how many of these promises will actually be fulfilled by the NC Government. We have to give them a chance, but at the same time keep asking questions to fulfill their promises. The youth of Jammu and Kashmir have given a clear mandate to NC and now its their turn to advertise all the vacant posts with in next 3 months of Government formation. At the same time, the government should direct the JKSSB and JKPSC to release already referred posts including the most awaited JKSSB Naib Tehsildar vacancies, that have been pending for the quite some time. From the last 3/4 years, we are hearing that soon JKSSB will release the advertisement for Naib Tehsildar vacancies, but nothing on record. It is high time, new government should direct the recruitment agencies to speed up the recruitment process of refferd posts. 

With the Government Promise of creating 1 lakh Jobs in J&K, It means, that in the next couple of years, there will be some Big Recruitment and Bumper Jobs to be announced by JKSSB and JKPSC. In our previous Posts, we have discussed about the IIM Jammu Recruitment and in our Upcoming Posts, we will share the Upcoming JKSSB Exams in 2025 and Today, in this post, we are going to share the details about the Upcoming JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2025 . 

Let me be very clear at the start of this Post, that JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment is not yet announced. Once the posts gets advertised by JKSSB, we will update the same on this page. This post is meant for informational purposes only. Here in this Post, we will discuss the 

  • Job Profile of Naib Tehsildar
  • Pay-Scale and Career Growth
  • Expected No. of vacancies.
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Selection Process
  • Application Process
  • Syllabus for Naib Tehsildar Posts

Here in this Post, we will discuss Everything you need to know about the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam, if you still have any questions after reading this post, then you can ask in the comments section below.

How many Naib Tehsildar Posts in J&K Till Date?

As per RTI Application filed by MM Shuja, to the Financial Commissioner, Revenue Department, J&K, the following information is obtained
  • A total of 86 posts of Naib Tehsildars are vacant in J&K
  • Vacancy in Kashmir Division lies at 51, while for Jammu Division it is 35.
  1. Baramulla: 16 (Vacant)
  2. Bandipora: 13 (Vacant)
  3. Kupwara: 08 (Vacant)
  4. Rajouri:07 (Vacant)
  5. Poonch: 05 (Vacant)
  6. Kishtwar: 07 (Vacant)

Note: This Data Dates backs to August 2024 and in the present there might be increase / decrease in the actual number of vacancies. The exact distribution of vacant posts shall be known only after that is a Public Advertisement by JKSSB.

This long pending Naib Tehsildar Vacancy is not only affecting the Unemployed youth of J&K who are at the verge of overage, but also to the Common man as not having enough manpower is affecting the administrative functions. Therefore, it is high time, that government should clear for decks for advertisement of Naib Tehsildar vacancies.

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2025 : Vacancy Details

A super number of 1 lakh Govt. Jobs have been identified by J&K Govt. for Direct Recruitment in Jammu and Kashmir. It is next to impossible at this stage to share the Post wise vacancies, but we can predict some of the most common posts that we can expect to be advertised in 2025-26. 

These are Jr. Assistants, Village Level Workers, Class IVth, Tehcnical Posts in Medical Colleges, etc and several others. But there is one post, which is very eye-catching and gets super attention from Graduates in the "Naib Tehsildar in Revenue Department of J&K.

Now what is special about this "Naib Tehsildar" post in J&K.

For this Look at the Job Profile of the Naib Tehsildar

This is among one of the those posts, where your First Promotion, gives you a Gazetted Cadre. ie Tehsildar.

Job Profile of Naib-Tehsildar in J&K's Revenue Department

So, you might be eager to know what exactly a Naib Tehsildar has to do. 

Just as the Tehsildar is the Head of the Tehsil, A Naib-Tehsildar is the head of the Niyabat.

1) Assist the Tehsildar in Oversees revenue matter like preparation of Revenue Record, attestation of mutation etc at Niabat Level.

2) Under J&K Land Revenue Act, he acts as the Assistant Collector 2nd Class.

3) For Law and Order, Executive Magistrate First Class

4) Any Other Work Assigned by Deputy Commissioner


Naib-Tehsildar Vacancies in J&K Revenue Department

As per the SRO-656 Dated 25th Oct, 2019, the Sanctioned Strength of Naib-Tehsildar's in J&K is Six Hundred Seven (607)

Moreover, as per the J&K Revenue Department (Subordinate) Services Recruitment Rules, 45% of Naib Tehsildar Posts are to be filled through Direct Recruitment with referring the posts to JKSSB.

And the remaining 55% Posts to be filled under Promotion Quota.

Now the Most important Question is :

How many vacancies will be announced by JKSSB in the Upcoming Advertisement.

Well the answer to this Question Lies with the Revenue Department only, as they have to refer the vacant posts to the JKSSB.

Only the Revenue Department knows how many vacant posts of  Naib Tehsildars are there, that needs to be filled. 

Once the Department, identified the vacant posts, they send these posts to GAD for approval and then these posts are referred to JKSSB for advertisement.

Other Designations of Naib-Tehsildar

1) Assistant Revenue Attorney
2) Reader to FC / Div Commissioner
3) P.A to N.T to DC
4) Instructor

When Naib Tehsildar Posts were advertised in the Past?

It has been seven long years, since the Naib Tehsildar Posts were advertised by JKSSB. 

It was only in 2015 that 134 Naib Tehsildar Posts were advertised. 

Now, it has been a long time,since these posts are advertised and its High time, Revenue Department, to identify the vacant posts and refer to JKSSB as soon as possible for direct recruitment.

Another aspect here is that these NT Posts were advertised in 2015, but Written Exam for these posts, was held after 3 years ie 2018 and recruitment process got completed in 2019-20. So, it takes 5 long years for JKSSB to complete the Selection Process for the Recruitment of Naib Tehsildars in the J&K Revenue Department.

When Naib Tehsildar Exam is expected?

That depends upon the intent of the Revenue Department whether they need the manpower at the earliest or they can adjust with the existing staff. They will give the instructions to JKSSB to complete the Recruitment process in Fast modern or Moderate mode.

Generally, it takes anywhere between 3 to 6 months for JKSSB to conduct exams after the Notification is announced. So, If the Notification for Naib Tehsildar come in the month of November, we can expect to be conducted anywhere in May/June, 2025. 

That is Quite good time in hand for your preparation. As and when we get any update on the Notification Date or Exam Date, we will update the same on this page and let you know.  

Salary of Naib-Tehsildar in Revenue Department of J&K

A Naib Tehsildar in a Non-Gazetted UT Cadre Post in the Revenue Department of J&K

Pay-Scale: Level-6E ( 35900 - 113500)

1) Starting Salary during Probation Period (2 years): Rs 36200 /-

2) Salary after completing the Probation Period: Rs 52000 (Minimum)

Career Progression / Growth of Naib-Tehsildar

A Naib-Tehsildar is a Group-B Post in J&K Revenue Department. If you got appointed as Naib-Tehsildar at the age of 28 to 30 years.

Then you have at least 2 Promotions in Hand.

After 8 to 10 years of Service as Naib-Tehsildar, you will be Promoted as 

1) Tehsildar (Class-A Gazetted Officer)

Again after 10 years of Service as Tehsildar, you will be promoted as 

2) Sub-Divisional Magistrate (Class-A Gazetted Officer)

What is the Eligibility Criteria?

Applicants willing to apply for Naib Tehsildar Posts in Jammu and Kashmir, should fulfill the below mentioned eligibility conditions.

1) Domicile: Applicant should be a Domicile of Jammu and Kashmir.

2) Age-Limit: Applicant should have their age in between 18 and 40 years.

3) Educational Qualification: Degree in any discipline with Knowledge of Urdu.

Will Urdu be removed from Naib Tehsildar's qualifications?

This is a controversial question as Naib Tehsildar's current eligibility criteria favours Job aspirants from one particular region of J&K. This is because Urdu is taught as a subject up to Matric in Kashmir region, while In Jammu Region, Hindi is taught. So candidates from the Kashmir region has an edge and ultimately they have the highest share in the Selection List.

After the Reorganisation of J&K , in 2019 and formation of Ladakh UT and UT of J&K, the government in ladakh have revised the Eligibility criteria for Naib Tehsildar and removed Urdu as a required qualification. However, this is not a case in J&K and still No official SRO Or Circular is released by the GAD removing Urdu as eligibility criteria for Naib Tehsildar posts in J&K.

So all we can do is to wait for the release of the Official JKSSB Notification to see if there is a change in the criteria of Naib Tehsildar posts. 

On 29th Nov, 2022, many Newspapers and Online Portals have published the News regarding the Removal of Urdu from Naib-Tehsildar Exam. Even trusted sources like Daily Exceslior and Greater Kashmir have shared stories regarding the same. But there is Government Order, that justifies this news. Here you can read the Daily Excelsior Artcile regarding Removal of Urdu from Naib-Tehsildar Qualification

Selection Process and Exam Pattern for Naib Tehsildar

The selection process for the Recruitment of Naib-Tehsildars in J&K ,comprises of

1) Written Test: 120 Questions (120 Marks)

2) Working Knowledge of Urdu Test : Candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:5 to the number of vacancies for the Urdu Test. Only those candidates who Qualify the Urdu Test with 40% Marks will be shortlisted for the Interview.

For Urdu Test

1) Objective Paper: 50 Marks

2) Descriptive Paper: 50 Marks

 3) Interview: Only those candidates who qualify the Urdu test, will be called for the Interview.

The final Merit comprises of Marks Obtained in the Written Test and Interview Taken Together.

Syllabus for JKSSB Naib-Tehsildar Written Exam.

All those candidates who apply for the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Posts, will have to appear in the Written Test comprising of 120 Questions (120 Marks). The duration of the Exam will be 2 hours. 

Here are the Six Components of JKSSB Naib-Tehsildar Exams

1) General English: 20 Marks

2) General Studies: 30 Marks

3) Constitution of India: 30 Marks

4) General Knowledge about J&K: 25 Marks

5) Mensuration: 15 Marks

Note: This was the Syllabus of the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam held in 2018. In case, there are any changes made in the Pattern and Syllabus of Exam, we will update the same on this page.

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar 2018 Exam Cut off

When you are preparing for an exam, here are a few things that you should be aware of and knowing the previous year's Exam Pattern, Question Paper and Cut off will help you in many ways. 

Last time, JKSSB conducted the NT Written Exam in 2018. So, it is after a long time of 6/7 years, JKSSB will conduct the exam. So those who have attended the exam at that time are either overaged or on the verge of being overaged. So Prepare well for this exam, as there won't be any other chance if you miss the opportunity this time. 

Here is the JKSSB NT Cut off 2018 for Interviews (Out of 120 Marks)
  • Open Merit: 93.5
  • SC:  80.25
  • ST: 83.5
  • ALC: 86.25
  • OSC: 91
  • ESM: 49.75
  • PHC: 80.75

No. of Candidates who appeared in the Written Exam: 70000+

No. of Candidates shortlisted for Interview: 860

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam Date 2025

The question of Exam Date of Naib Tehsildar arises only after the announcement of the Official Advertisement. It is pertinent to mention here that after the formation of government in J&K, there is a lot of buzz on Social Media, that soon the Recruitment process for Naib Tehsildar posts will start. But still there is no official Notification by JKSSB in this regard.

Unofficial sources also claimed that NT posts might have been referred to JKSSB. It is just a matter of days before these posts are advertised. The aspirants have been waiting for them for almost nine years. It should be the moral responsibility of the elected government to advertise these posts without any delay so that candidates who are on the verge of getting overaged before 1 January 2025 get a chance to apply for them.

As far as exam date is concerned, If the Naib Tehsildar Notification comes on 1st December, then exam is likely to be held in April / May, 2025. You will get ample of time to study for this exam, but the Quantam of competition will also be sky high. An approximate number of 1 lakh candidates will apply for the exam, which has only 50 to 70 vacancies. 

When Naib-Tehsildar Posts will be announced?

We don't have any answer to this question right now

We only know the Sanctioned Strength of Naib Tehsildars in J&K, Regarding the number of vacancies, the Information lies with J&K Government only. 

We have made this page for the Upcoming Naib Tehsildar Vacancy. As and when the Jobs are Notified we will update the same on this page.

The Best thing that you can do right know to start preparing for the exam, as more than 1 lakh candidates will apply for this exam.

The Latest update is that number of vacancies has been increased to 75 and one thing is quite sure, these posts are not coming in 2024. So all we can expect that JKSSB will announce the Naib Tehsildar posts in January-2025. This can be definately be a bad news for those, who are going to be over aged on 1st Jan, 2025, as cut off date for all JKSSB Notification is a 1st Date of the the New year.

What is the latest update on Naib Tehsildar's recruitment?

The latest news regarding the Naib Tehsildar vacancy is that posts have referred by the Revenue Department to JKSSB for recruitment. In the letter to JKSSB Secretary, revenue department has forwarded the indents for 58 Naib Tehsildar posts to JKSSB for direct recruitment, which means now its official that Naib Tehsildar posts are definitely coming.

With this advertisement, the drought on Naib Tehsildar posts that's going on from long 9 years will end and we expect a record number of candidates will apply for these posts. Though the number of posts is quite low, but still something is better than nothing. 

But the suspense regarding the qualification still persists between Urdu or Non-Urdu. We have to see what decision govt take in this regard. But one thing is clear, In case Urdu is included as a Qualification, then it will definitely by Jammu Vs Kashmir, as Urdu Qualification gives edge to the applicants from the Kashmir region.

(Update As on 24th Dec, 2024)

There is another update received from General Administration Department on 24th Dec, 2024, that instead of 58 already refereed posts, GAD has received 17 Fresh posts, there be taking the final no. to be 75. So the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment in 2025 will have 75 vacancies and as per the Latest Reservation Rules, the Posts for Open Merit shall not exceed 30 vacancies (40%) ,while, 35 vacancies for all reserved categories.

Here is the Official reply received by an aspirant from J&K Grievance Portal 

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Final vacancy

Official Website for JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam

The internet has so much of information, that sometimes, it really gets confusing among applicants to find the right source of information. because Google can only fetch the results and rank the websites for Keywords, and sometimes fresh candidates land on unofficial websites. We at Jobs in Jammu thinks that this is our moral responsibility to guide applicants finding the Right website for various exams. 

As far as Naib Tehsildar is concerned, there are only 2 official websites that you have to deal with

1) Official Website for Naib Tehsildar Notification PDF: https://www.jkssb.nic.in/

2) Official Website for Naib Tehsildar Online Application form:    https://www.ssbjk.org.in/
Apart from these Websites, you should also regularly check the Jobs in Jammu Website for updates on various JKSSB and JKPSC Notifications and Exams.

What's Next?

As we all know the Model Code of Conduct is over, and now recruitment agencies can advertise the posts, but still there is No Job Notification by JKSSB over the last 2 weeks. There is a high speculation, that Revenue Department might have forwarded the Naib -Tehsildar Posts to JKSSB for Direct Recruitment. It is high time, that JKSSB should advertise the posts at the earliest so that candidates who are going to be overage, this year, can apply for these posts. 

Meanwhile, we as Jobs in Jammu, have filed an RTI with the Revenue Department to know the status of the Upcoming Naib Tehsildar Vacancy. The RTI was filed on 25th Oct, 2024 and we can expect the Department's reply with in Next 20 days. All we can do is to wait for the Official Response, either from JKSSB or from the Revenue Department.

We shall keep you post about all the Update regarding the Naib Tehsildar Vacancy in J&K. 

In case you have any queries, do ask us in the Comments section below.

Note: This Page was last edited on 24th December, 2024

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  1. Urdu kyoun jab ki hindi ya english sbi department main chal rha hai

    1. Yes bro no need of urdu

    2. English is enough and should be enough.

    3. Urdu zaroori hona chahiye aise posts mai kyun k aage chal kr Inka jo kaam hota hai wo Urdu mai he hota hai

  2. Why Urdu...?... Already home ministry change the official language of jammu and kashmir.

    1. English should be compulsory than Urdu.

  3. Urdu is baar nahi hoga

    1. InshaAllah hoga
      Jo loug yh khtai hai urdu nhi hona chahiye unko yh b nhi pta k urdu mai he kaam hota hai naib tehsildar aur patwari ka
      Jb kisi ko itna b nhi pta tou bhool javo aise posts ko

  4. Urdu should be compulsory because, its duty of NT to check revenue record which is already in urdu

    1. They can be converted to English easily and we should finally let go of urdu, a dying language which has no business in progress of humanity.

    2. Haha seriously

  5. Pakistani language URDU ko dafa karovv.

    1. ku beta angrizi baaf hai tera

  6. Agar Urdu language ki jankari nahi ha to old Urdu record kesa read kra ga vo insaan jo English medium sa ha

  7. When will jkssb advertise Naib tehsildar posts , and no. of posts

    1. Admin (Jobs in Jammu)25 October 2024 at 19:19

      As per the Greater Kashmir report of August, 2024. A total of 86 NT posts have been identified from Direct Recruitment. We have already filed an RTI regarding the same. Kindly share your Email ID, we will update you with all the Important Details regarding the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam 2024
