Thursday, 3 January 2019

JKSSB Class IVth Recruitment from Feb, 2019 (New Rules Announced)

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Looking for Class IVth Jobs in J&K. Rules are Changed. All the Future Class IVth Recruitments to be done by JKSSB

If you are a Class IV Job Seeker in J&K, then we have some surprising news for you. You might already be aware that in Sept, 2018, Govt. of J&K has discontinued the Interview for Class IVth posts. As per the existing rules, 20 Marks are allocated to Interviews for Recruitment of Class IVth Posts in J&K.

Now, The Big news is that, All the Future Class IVth Recruitment's will be done by JKSSB and Selection criteria comprises of Written test only up to the level equivalent to the 10th standard, which means that Academic Qualification points for 10th and 12th Class cease to exist.

In this post, we will discuss in the Detail the Complete process of Recruitment for Selection of Class IVth posts, Referral of vacancies and List of Departments that will create class IVth vacancies in 2019.

JKSSB Class IVth Recruitment 2020 : 22000 Posts

JKSSB to conduct the Recruitment for Class IVth Posts.

There are 38 Government Departments in J&K, that until now are recruiting Class IVth Employee on their own.

Now with new rules, all the vacancies in these departments will be referred to General Administration Department(GAD) under State/Divisional/District levels separately along with other details like roster points to the GAD for consolidation, which in turn again refer these vacancies to JKSSB for Advertisement and Recruitment.

As per the Circular, Administrative Secretaries are asked to refer the vacancies to JKSSB by or before 31st January, 2019.

No Interview for Class IVth Posts

As per the SRO 404 of  2018 Dated 15-09-2018, Government of J&K has dispensed with the Interview for class IVth posts.

Interviews carry a decisive 20 Marks in the Selection process, which now will be converted in the Written Exam. It is expected that Now all the weightage in the Upcoming Class IVth recruitments will be given to Written test only.

This will apply only for those posts, for which Advt. is yet to be announced. For posts, where Interviews are already conducted these rules will not apply.

When JKSSB announces the Recruitment Notification?

1) On 17th July, 2018 SAC gives approval for abolishing the Interviews for Class IVth posts

2) On 15th Sept, 2018, SRO-404 was issued , where is JKSSB was officially made the recruitment agency for Class IVth posts

3) On 24th Dec, 2018, Administrative Secretaries of all Govt Departments were asked to refer the Class IVth posts to GAD

4) It is again impressed upon all the Administrative Secretaries to ensure submission of indents for filling up of the Class-IV posts available in their Departments under State/Divisional/District levels separately along with other details like roster points to the GAD for consolidation and further referral to the SSB bv or before 31.01.2019 positively

This means JKSSB will advertise the Class IVth vacancies anytime in Feb, 2019.

So get Ready for Bumper JKSSB Recruitment in 2019.

Official Document

Here is the Circular issued by General Administration Department (GAD) for referral of Class vacancies to JKSSB

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