Saturday, 19 January 2019

JKSRTC Admit Card 2019 (Download the Easiest Way with Screenshots)


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JKSRTC Written Exams on 29th and 30th Jan, 2019 for various Posts. Download the Admit Cards Now.

If you have been waiting long for the announcement of JKSRTC Exam Dates for various posts, then your Search will end Today, as JKSRTC has announced the Exam Dates for various posts (Jr. Assistant, Helper,Driver, Conductor, Security Guard etc). Some of you might have even forget that you have filled the form as it was after a long wait for 9 months, that JKSRTC has announced the Schedule for Written Exam and also released the Admit Cards for various posts. 

It is pertinent to mention here that JKSRTC has announced the Recruitment for 342 various posts on 19th April 2018, while the last date for applying is 7th May, 2018. Since that Day, there was no major update, except the JKSRTC released the List of candidates with incomplete Documents, and they were asked to complete/upload the documents, so that JKSRTC can proceed with the further recruitment process.

Now, after a Long wait, JKSRTC has announced the Exam Dates and also released the Admit Cards for various posts that were announced in April, 2018. If you have applied for any of these posts in JKSRTC Recruitment, then kindly read this post till the end,  so that you get to know about the JKSRTC Exam Dates. Moreover, we will also discuss the step by step process for downloading the JKSRTC Admit card 2019. 

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JKSRTC Exam Dates Announced : Check Schedule

As per the Official Notification released by JKSRTC today in the Local Newspapers of J&K, the Written Exams for various posts will be held on 29th and 30th Jan, 2019. 

Here is the List of Posts for which JKSRTC is conducting the written Exam

1) Jr. Assistant
2) Helper
3) Conductor
4) Driver
5) Security Guard.  

Exam Date : 29th and 30th Jan, 2019

Venues: Jammu and Srinagar

JKSRTC Admit Card 2019 : How to Download ?

Till Now,we have discussed the Written exam Dates for various JKSRTC posts. Next will discuss the Process for obtaining the Admit Cards.

Before Downloading the Admit card, make sure you have the following information / Documents.

1) Username and Password (For Login

2) Scanned Photo, Signature and Thumb Impression

i) Size of Photo: 2o to 5o Kb
ii) Size of Signature:10 to 20 Kb
iii) Thumb Impression: Must be of Left Thumb

Note: All the Image should be in .jpg Format.

Step by Step Process for Downloading JKSRTC Admit Card 

1)  Open the JKSRTC Website at

2) On the Homepage, you will see various various Information and Links. Find the "Candidate Login" Link given at the Top left side of Page and CLick on it.

3) It will take you to the Login Page, where you have to Enter "Username" and "Password" and click on the Login Button.

Note: In case, you don't remember your Password, use the "Forget Password" functionality to reset your password.

4) After successful Login,it will open the Dashboard , where you will see Candidate Info. On the Right Sidebar of page, you will see "Upload DOCS" Link. Click on this Link. 

5) Next, you have to upload your recent passport size Photograph, Signature and Left thumb Impression as per the Sizes given above.

6) After successfully uploading the Docs, a Link for Downloading the Admit card, will be shown on the Bottom of the Page as well as on Left Navigation. 

This way, you can Download the JKSRTC Admit Card 2019 for various posts. 

We have done our website to explain the process in simple yet precise manner. In case, you still face any difficulty in downloading the Admit card, kindly let us know in the Comments section. 

Forget Username Or Password?

The major problem, that most of the Aspirants face while obtaining the Admit Cards is that they have Forget their Username Or Password. In this section, we will discuss how to obtain the Username and Reset the Password.

1) Username: Username is your Email ID that you Registered while applying online. So Kindly enter your Email ID in the Username filed.

2) Forget Password: In case you have forget your Password, you can Reset it by following the steps given below. 

i) Open the Login Page by Clicking Here

ii) Now Click on Forget Password option . After that you will see this.

Here Enter the Details Like Registration No, Date of Birth, Email and New Password and Click on the Submit Button 

Note:Registration No. is your JKSRTC Form No. which will be in the Format 
JKSRTC000409 (where 409 can be your Unique Form No.)

This way you have Reset your Password and Download the JKSRTC Admit Card. 

Check. If you are eligible Or Not?

If you are still unable to Download your Admit Card, you should check, whether you are eligible or not.

JKSRTC has released the List of Eligible candidates for all the Posts. 

You can check the Eligible Candidates List from the Links below. 

1) Jr. Assistant eligible Candidates

2) Helper Eligible Candidates

3) Security Guard Eligible Candidates

4) Conductor Eligible candidates.

If your name is not in the List of Eligible candidates, then you cannot appear in the exam. 

Any Queries?

We have made this page for helping candidates download the Admit Card for various JKSRTC Posts. If you are facing any problem in downloading the Admit card,do let us know in the Comments section below.

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  1. Sir lost my user name and pasword ...i cant download admit card

    1. Click on forgot password it will send new user name and password


  3. Sir what is the last date of download admitcard
