Monday, 16 May 2016

JKPSC Exam Date announced for Lecturer 10+2


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JKPSC 10+2 Lecturer Exams from 5th June, 2016.

 Admit cards will be available shortly

If, you have filled in the 10+2 Lecturers online application form of JKPSC, them there is an important update for you. If, you read the Notification, clearly, then you know, that Neither the Selection Process nor the Exam dates were announced, keeping candidates in dilemma, and guess work, regarding the 10+2 Lecturers exam date.

Today, through a Notification, posted on the Official Website, JKPSC had cleared this confusion. Well the News is that JKPSC Lecturer Exams are going to commence from 5th June, 2016 and will conclude on 26th June, 2016. However, the Schedule of Exams is not announced for all Subjects, but rather of 15 subjects.

This means, that JKPSC might conduct the exam in phases. In this First, phase, there are exams for almost all the major subjects including English, Maths, Physics, Botany, Zoology etc. Meanwhile with this Fast track Recruitment process, JKPSC can't be called a lazy recruitment agency, as in the past, we have seen that After inviting the application, sometime, JKPSC took 2-3 years for conducting the Written exam.

In this post, we will share the Detailed, Exam schedule for JKPSC 10+2 Lecturers. Applicants who have applied for these posts must read this post, till end, as we have important information not only on exam dates, but also on obtaining the JKPSC Admit cards too.

When is JKPSC 10+2 Lecturer Exam ?

On 15th May, 2016, JKPSC had released the Official Notification on its website, informing the schedule of Exams for 10+2 Lecturer posts in Education Department.

Exam Centers: It is worth mentioning here that the Written Exam, will be held not only in Jammu and Srinagar, but also in several districts too as given below.

1) Jammu
2) Srinagar
3) Anantnag
4) Baramulla
5) Doda
6) Kargil
7) Leh
8) Rajouri

Schedule of JKPSC 10+2 Lecturers Exam

Here is the subject wise and date wise schedule of JKPSC Exams.

Admit cards: The Admit cards for JKPSC 10+2 Lecturer Exam, will be uploaded on the Official Website of JKPSC and will be available shortly. Applicants are advised to keep check the Official Website and this website ( for update information on JKPSC Exams. 

Any Queries ?

If, you have any queries, related to the anything regarding the 10+2 Lecturer Recruitment by JKPSC, then kindly ask us through the comments section below.
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  1. sir,what about the date of sociology exam.

    1. This is the First phase of JKPSC Exam. The Exam date for Sociology may be in the 2nd phase

    2. sir,what about the date of education exam.


  3. sir can we change the examination centre if so what is the procedure

  4. sir,what about the date of sociology exam.
