Thursday, 14 April 2022

JKSSB Forester Syllabus 2022 (Revised and Updated)


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Applied for JKSSB Forester Recruitment 2022 ? Here is the Detailed Topic Wise Syllabus for JKSSB Forester Posts  

If you are a Government Job Aspirant in Jammu and Kashmir, then we have some Big news for you, In the First week of April, 2022, over 4000+ Posts have been referred to JKSSB for Direct Recruitment. This means that in the Coming Weeks there will be a Bumper JKSSB Recruitment 2022. And with in these 4000 Posts, there are 250 Forester Posts that are also referred to JKSSB For direct Recruitment. In our previous post we have discussed in Detail about the JKSSB Forester Recruitment 2022.

And Today, in this post, we are going to share the Details Syllabus for JKSSB Forester Posts. At the very start, let me tell you, that this is the Syllabus that JKSSB released in 2016, the current Syllabus may or may note be same as the Revised Syllabus issued by the JKSSB. 

However, there is no change in the Qualification for Forester Posts and therefore, there is every probability that Syllabus won't be change. However the Total Weightage may be reduced to 120 Marks and Time shall be subsequently reduced to 2 Hours. 

Applicants who are preparing for the Upcoming JKSSB Forester Exam -2022 should keep in account this Forester Syllabus. and do watch this page, as the Revised and updated Syllabus will be updated on this page.

JKSSB Forester Syllabus 2022.

Here is the JKSSB Forester Syllabus that was issued by JKSSB in 2016.

1) English: 20 Marks

2) Maths: 30 Marks

3) Physics: 20 Marks

4) Chemistry: 30 Marks

5) Biology: 50 Marks

(I) English Syllabus for Forester Exams 

  • Unseen Passage
  • Phrases
  • Pronouns
  • Homonyms/ homophones
  • Tenses
  • Clauses
  • Punctuation
  • Articles. 
  • Basic understanding of English Language, 
  • Essay and letter writing. 

(II) Maths Syllabus for Forester Exams

1) Algebra : Pair of Linear Equation in two variables, Algebraic conditions for number of solutions. Simple situational problems may be included, simple problems on equations reducible to linear equation may be included.

2) Polynomials and Quadratic equation:  Zeroes of a Polynomial, Relationship between Zeroes and coefficients of polynomial with particular reference to quadratic polynomials. Statement and simple problems on division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients. Standard form of Quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=o, (a O), problems related to day to day activities to be incorporated.

3) Trigonometry : Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle of a right angled. Relationship between the ratios. Trigonometric indentities. Applications of the identity Sin2A+Cos2A=1, Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles. Simple and believable problems on heights and distances. Angle of elevation/depression should be only 30, 45, 60.

4) Mensuration : Problems on finding surface areas and volumes of combination of any two of the following cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinders/cones. Frustum of a cone. Problems involving converting one type of metallic solid into another and other mixed problems.

5) Probability : Repeated experiments and observed frequency approach to probability. Focus is on empirical probability. Classical definition of probability. Simple problems on single even, not using set rotation.

(III) Physics Syllabus for Forester Exam

1) Light-Reflection and Refraction Reflection of light, spherical mirrors; Image formation; uses of spherical mirrors. Sign, conventions for spherical mirrors. Refraction of light, refraction through a glass, refractive index, conditions for no refraction. Spherical lenses, image formation, sign conventions, lens formula (only relation).

2) The Human Eye and the Colorful World : Human eye; power of accommodation; defects of vision and their correction. Glass prism (refraction and dispersion). Atmospheric refraction-twinkling of stars and color of sun at sunrise and sunset. 

3) Electricity: Concept of electric charge. Electric current; electric potential and potential difference; Ohm’s Law and experimental verification; resistance and its dependence. Heating effect of current-Electric power and energy. 

4) Source of Energy Various sources of energy; Conventional sources of energy; improvement in technology for using conventional source of energy (Biomass and wind energy). Non-conventional sources of energy (Solar energy, Energy from Sea). Nuclear energy (Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission). Lasting of energy sources.

(IV) Chemistry Syllabus for Forester Exam

1) Chemical Reactions and Equation Chemical equation, writing of chemical equation; balancing chemical equations. Types of chemical reactions; viz Combination reactions; Decomposition reactions; Displacement reactions; Double displacement reactions; Oxidation and reduction. Effects of oxidation and reduction reactions in everyday life, viz, corrosion and rancidity.

2) Carbon and its Compounds : Bonding in Carbon, Covalent bond, Allotropes of Carbon; Versatile nature of carbon; Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons; chains; branches and rings; homologous series and its characteristics. Chemical properties of carbon compounds viz. combustion; oxidation; addition and substitution reactions. Important Carbon compounds like Ethane and Ethanoic acid. Properties of Ethanoic acid. Soaps and Detergents.

3) Metals and Non-Metals : Physical properties of metals and non-metals. Chemical properties of metals like action of water, air, acids, salts. Cause of reactivity of metals and non-metals. Properties of Ionic compounds. Corrosion of metals and its prevention.

4. Acids, Bases and Salts : Idea about acids and bases; Chemical properties of acids and bases viz. Action of metals, metal carbonates, metal hydrogen carbonates (only in case of acids), metallic acids; non-metallic acids and bases. Similarities in acids and bases; reaction of acids and bases with water. Strength of acids and base solutions; pH and its importance. Idea of salts, their family and pH. Chemicals from common salts like Sodium hydroxide, Baking soda and Washing soda; Hydrated salts, plaster of paris.

(V) Biology Syllabus for Forester Exam

1) Life Processes What are life processes? Nutrition-Autotrophic Nutrition. Heterotrophic Nutrition. How do animals obtain their nutrition? Nutrition in Human beings. Respiration. Transportation: Transportation in plants. Exertion: Excretion in Human beings, Excretion in plants

2) Control and Co-Ordination Animals- Nervous System, What happens in Reflex Action? Human Brain. How are these tissues protected? How does Nervous tissue cause action? Coordination in plants, immediate response to stimulus, movements due to growth. Hormones in Animals.

3) How do Organisms Reproduce? : The importance of variation. Modes of reproduction used by unicellular organisms. Fission, Fragmentation, Regeneration, Vegetative Propagation, Budding, Spore Formation, Sexual Reproduction: Why the sexual mode of reproduction? Reproduction in human Beings. Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive System. What happens when the egg is not fertilized? Reproductive Health.

4) Heredity and Genetics : Accumulation of variation reproduction, Heredity: Inherited traits, Rules for the inheritance of traits, Mendel’s contribution. How do these traits get expressed? Sex determination. Acquired and inherited traits.Speciation. Classification, tracing evolutionary relationships, fossils, evolution by stages

5) Our Environment Environment and Ecosystem- What are its components? Food chains and webs. How do our activities effect the environment? Ozone layer and how it is getting depleted. Managing the garbage we produce

6) Management of Natural Resources : Why do we need to Manage our Resources? Forests and Wild life, Stake holders, Sustainable Management, Dama, Water harvesting. Coal and Petroleum. An overview of Natural Resources Management.
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