Monday, 25 February 2019

JKSSB 2154 Teachers Selection List Announced : Download in PDF Here


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Looking for JKSSB Teacher 2019 Selection List. 

JKSSB announced the Final Selection Lists for 2154 Science/Maths, General and Urdu Teachers on 25th Feb, 2019 

( Hour by Hour Updates on this Page)

If you are the one, who have applied for 2154 Teacher posts announced in Dec, 2017, then Big news is round the corner as, JKSSB has approved the Selection Lists for these Teacher Posts announced for 14 Districts of J&K. However, you need to wait for sometime, before these lists will be made public, as Today is Sunday (Non Working Day) and Lists will be uploaded on the Official Website only on Monday.

So Keep you eyes on the Official JKSSB Website from 25th Feb, 2019 (10 am ) Onwards. 

It is also crucial that JKSSB has announced these Lists well before the imposition of Model Code of Conduct in view of the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. 

It is pertinent to mention here that the Selection Lists for these Teacher Posts were approved in the Motherboard Marathon held on 21st and 22nd Feb, 2019 under the Chairmanship of Zubair Ahmad, Chairperson, JKSSB.    Approval of these 2154 Teacher posts ends the anxiety of Thousands of candidates who have been waiting for the announcement of Selection Lists for the Quite some time. 

In this post, we will discuss the complete Details of  JKSSB Teachers Selection Lists. Applicants who have appeared for the Teacher exams held on April/ May, 2018 and were provisionally shortlisted for the Teacher Posts should read this post till the end, so that once the Lists are update you can download these Directly from this page. 

JKSSB Teacher Selection List 2019 (Coming on 25th Feb, 2019)

On 24th Feb, 2019, Greater Kashmir, reported that JKSSB approves the Selection of 2154 Teacher Posts advertised in Dec, 2017. While the Lists are already prepared, and it is matter of few hours before they will be available on the Official Website. 

Today (24th Feb), being Sunday, there are less chances that Lists will be uploaded. So you need to Till till tomorrow before you can download the Teacher Selection Lists.  

Moreover, JKSSB had also Listed the reasons that Led to the delay in issuing the Selection Lists. 

1) There were massive Litigations regarding the Teacher Recruitment. More than 30 Court cases have come to the fore and appropriate action has been taken.

2) Unmentioned Degrees in the Online Application forms submitted by the candidates. 

3) More than 387 + Claims and Counter claims by candidates etc.

All these reasons led to the Delay in issuing the Selection Lists. 

1000 Candidates in Waiting List

Apart from the 2154 candidates in the Selection List, JKSSB has also approved more than 1000 candidates in the waiting list. This is in line with the Govt' Order for Inclusion of 50% of the candidates in the Waiting List with respect to the number of posts. 

Applicants should note that Waitlist is Prepared District wise, Category wise and will be invoked only when the Selected candidates do not join with in the joining period.  

JKSSB Teacher Selection Lists for various Districts

Selection Lists (Announced)
Waiting List

Urdu Teacher











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We have made this page, to provide updates on the JKSSB Teacher Selection List. 

Now, we will update this page and the Table given above tomorrow with the Direct Link for downloading the Teacher Lists. 

If you have any Queries, do let us know in the comments section below.

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  1. Hi,
    Please post jkbank previous year question paper

  2. Diatrict srinagar is not available here

  3. Why srinagar link is nt opening

  4. Plz send a link for srinagar also

  5. These download links are no more accessible. Once clicked these links directs to an error page.
